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[招聘] GC Planning Finance Internship Program (金融就业培训 + 西人金融公司实习)

信息编号:3582 发布时间:2012-08-13Sydney/悉尼
GC Planning Finance Internship Program (金融就业培训 + 公司实习)关于GC Planning Finance Internship Program越来越多学金融,会计的同学希望在毕业后能进入金融。作为一个有这十几年金融行业经验的人,我非常认同你的选择。 金融行业中有几十种不同的职位,而每一个职位都能将你带到新的高度,获取新的机会。同时金融行业地域区别不大。 无论你未来的职业规划是留澳还是回国,你所获得的经验都会得到认可。 然而金融行业的竞争非常强,特别是在找第一份金融工作。 雇主都很看重你所掌握实际工作技能以及相关工作经验。目前市场几乎没有这样培训可以满足以上两点要求的。 这就是为什么GCPlanning推出了Finance Internship Program。这个Program 分为两部分 (点击链接查看具体信息):
  • 4-week Technical Knowleage Training
  • 3-month Paid/Unpaid Internship opportunity in Local Financial Practice
如果你对你从事什么样的工作还不确定,不妨去做一个简单的测试,看看你的职业性格: Myers Briggs 职业性格测试 - 简易版本 (copy 下面的链接打开测试)http://blog.renren.com/blog/bp/Q7BhdU9psBGC Planning 金融专业实习生计划主要针对: - Tertiary study in accounting, finance, business management, financial planning (undergoing or completed) - 专为想进入金融行业的同学 - 没有或较少工作经验Learning Outcomes:The Finance Intern Program is a 4-month structured training pathway to becoming a qualified & experienced finance assisstant( Salary Range (pa).$40K- $70K)At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:- Demonstrate your understanding of a financial planning process (end to end)- Knowledge of compliance standard within the financial industry- Have a clear understanding of how a financial planning practice operates- Have a clear idea of the common strategies used by advisers- Demonstrate an improvement on your technical knowledge, product knowledge- Provide learning experiences, references, networking opportunities and something tangible to talk about in your next interview. FREE Career Info Night如果你对我们的Program感兴趣或有意报名10月Program的同学,我们强力推荐你参加我们的Info Session:- We will explain to you how Financial Internship Program structured and how could you be benefited- We will provide advice for your career decision making- We will give you some industry insights- Students who attain Info Night will get huge discount for course fee10th September, 2012 (6:30pm - 8:30pm) or 12th Septermber, 2012 (6:30pm - 8:30pm) Click to Register for Free Info NightContact Us: 0406 234 567Email: admin@gcplanning.com.auWatch Our Youtube Video: Starting your financial careerNext Intake for Finance Intern Program ​1st October, 2012 ​Viste our website for more infomationwww.gcplanning.com.au
