1. COMM5001 原版教科书+资料 打包 40刀“COMM5001 Business Communication, Ethics and Practice” compiled by Dr. Lu Wang and Dr. Suzanne Chan-Serafin2. ACCT5996 原版教科书+课件资料 打包 55刀 (已定)Hansen, D. R. & Mowen, M. M. Cornerstones of Cost Accounting, South-Western CENGAGE Learning, 2011.3. LEGT5512 原版教科书+课件资料 打包 45刀 (已定)Terry and Giugni, Business and the Law, 5th ed., 2009 (Cengage)4. ECON5257 全新原版教科书 45刀Gerald Keller (2009), Statistics for Management and Economics, 9th Ed.以上教材均与2013 s1 规定教材以及版本一致,基本都是9成新,配套课件、材料打印版与电子版都有QQ 435884917