iPod Docking 音响 悉尼价格 $55 (原价$240) 墨尔本地区 推出68刀包邮(音响重12公斤) 外形9.9 成新,有 iPod Docking,可以放iphone ipod 等,也可以放 SD 卡 USB 播放听音乐,也可以AUX 输入作为电脑音响,还可以听收音机,带遥控器。这款机子,主要是供货给DAVID JONES 的,因为光驱有毛病,所以降价出售。 音响为最大输出功率 50W ,有重低音,效果非常好,如果声音开到最大,只有一个事情发生,那就是你的左右上下邻居投诉你。55刀 真的是很便宜,我自己就是用它作为我的电视机的音响。欢迎来看货,数量很多。两天卖了7台后,价格调整了一些,每个客人来都是说比想象的要大得多,走的时候说,机器这么重,可以知道质量了,有客人当场买了2台,需要的朋友抓紧了。电话:0425197998 若无人接听,请留言在留言信箱或发短信, 我们稍后会回电给您.QQ:3514143最近销售不错,又拿了一批货,所有推出优惠活动。悉尼地区 两台100刀 部分地区 可以免费送货。为了考虑到墨尔本地区的朋友 推出68刀包邮 注册快递 可以追踪服务 不要错过呀!已经发给多台 去墨尔本了以下是现在市场价格http://www.factoryoutlet.net.au/DVD_Micro_System-details.aspxiPod Docking CD Micro Systemis the prefect way to listen to all your favourite music - whether it be on your iPod, CD, radio, memory card, USB or iPhone. This little system packs a massive punch. Interact with your new iPod dock through the great touch panel allowing you to use FM Radio with 20 station presets.The dual line dot matrix LCD display is superb and with 5 preset EQ functions you'll never miss a beat! Recharge your iPhone while you listen to your favorite music through a set of premium quality speakers. With sleep timer function, this Docking set comes complete with a remote control for ultimate convenience. You can't afford to miss out on such a great bargain!FEATURES:
- Grundig iPod Docking CD Micro System.
- Listen to your favourite music - straight from your iPod or iPhone.
- Recharges iPod or iPhone when docked.
- FM Radio with 20 station presets.
- Touch panel operation.
- Dual line dot matrix LCD display.
- 5 preset EQ settings.
- Sleep timer function.
- CD/CD-R/CR-RW/MP3/WMA compatible.
- 3.5mm headphone jack.
- Auxiliary input.
- 2 x 10W power output.
- Full function remote control.
本帖最后由 candyflora 于 2011-10-26 15:01 编辑 ]