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CPA Accounting Firm Intern Wanted

信息编号:17570 发布时间:2013-10-18Sydney/悉尼
工作地区 Sydney 公司名称 Platinum Accounting 工作性质 实习 经验要求 不限 工资水平 面议 公司介绍 As a CPA Public Practice, Platinum Accounting 致力于为客户提供最优质的服务。我们的专业人员均具备丰富的专业技能及行业知识,并具有多年的实际经验,是您事业成功的伙伴选择。我们拥有专业的会计团队,不论贵公司从事哪种行业,我们的专业人员都可为您及时提供意见。对不同的行业,我们切合贵公司在会计帐务,BAS,税务,工资管理,会计软件,公司创建,财务交易和咨询服务方面的需要提供周全的服务,帮助您合理避税,精确财务管理,提高贵公司的经营效益 联 系 人 Platinumaccounting 电话号码 02888941111 手机号码 0412624948 电子邮箱 info@platinumaccountingpartners.com.au   仍然觉得找到你的第一份会计工作是梦想吗? Platinum Accounting Internship实习项目为那些希望在会计领域开始事业的朋友们提供了最理想的平台。这个program十分适合正在寻找第一份会计工作的大学学生和其他求职者。   我们是CPA注册会计师事务所,提供税务以及各种会计,公司创建等服务。我们也提供会计培训和实习项目来帮助求职者找到他们理想的会计工作。我们的项目特别满足以下背景的朋友们的需求:   那些拥有海外会计工作经验但缺乏澳洲工作经验的新移民; 希望在会计领域大展拳脚但苦于没有相关会计经验的会计专业毕业生们; 正在学习会计专业希望增加实际工作经验以便将来更容易找到会计工作的同学们; 希望从事会计工作的Bookkeeper   这是一个为期6个月的仅需部分时间的项目。如果你每周能安排更多的时间进行培训,那你可以提前完成培训与实习。值得注意的是所有的会计事务所工作会由公司工作人员完成而这个项目仅仅是为了实习生通过处理公司的内部会计增加实际操作经验而设计的。在实习期间,这是不付工资的。你将被要求向Accountant报告,我们提供报告来评估你的表现以及确认你的强项和弱项。当你完成实习,我们会提供一个不付薪水的Internship reference。 Email: info@platinumaccountingpartners.com.au   Internship over training   The prerequisite for starting the internship is to complete our level 1 training program. At Platinum, we believe the internship experience is more beneficial for candidates to achieve success in their accounting career. While training is important, your interview and work performance will benefit most from have a real understanding of the accounting process and holding a real set of accounts. The intern program gives you this hands-on experience.   Level 1Training     This program is suitable for those who have a strong accounting academic background, but lack Australian work experience in the accounting industry. It is also the prerequisite for trainees to move on to our unpaid internship program.      1) Induction– overview of Financial Accounting and Management Accounting   2) Excel Training    3) Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable   4) Bank Reconciliations    5) Credit Card Reconciliations   6) Prepayments Schedule/Journals   7)Fixed Assets Register/Depreciation   8) Accruals(V-lookup function etc.   9) Inventory/Stock Processing & Year End Stock Take Adjustment    10) Cost Centre Analysis (V-lookup, PivotTable etc;)   11) Saasu and SAP Comparison   12) General Ledger Reconciliations   13) BAS (GST, PAYG Tax Withheld; PAYG Income Tax Instalments; FBT)   14) Payroll (PAYG Calculation and pay cheque process)   Duration: 2 months on a part time basis and can be fast tracked in 3 weeks. This can be counted as part of the 6 months internship period     If you would like more details about our programs, please feel free to give us a call if you have any further enquiry. We can be reached at 02 8889 4111 or 0412 624948. Also please feel free to send us an email at info@Platinumaccountingpartners.com.au, We would be happy to help in your accounting career. If you are interested in starting the program, please make an appointment with us for more detailed information
