工作地区 Sydney 公司名称 T-ONE IMAGE 招聘人数 2 工作性质 兼职/合同工/Casual 经验要求 不限 签证要求 永居签证/澳洲国籍 性别要求 男 工资水平 面议 公司介绍 With over ten years of experience, T-ONE IMAGE became a multi-award winning wedding studio. T-ONE IMAGE is a team of professional wedding photographers and videographers specializing in artistic, candid, romantic story-telling and photojournalistic style. Our goal is to keep the integrity with the excellence in our images so that each client will love them and proud to share them with excitement for generations to come. Visit our website (www.t-oneimage.com.au) and Facebook to view more of our work. 联 系 人 Kevin 电子邮箱 kevin@t-oneimage.com *有对摄影,摄像的热情。 *负责任的工作态度。 *有车有驾照。 *良好的英文沟通。 *有尼康/佳能数码单反及镜头。 *有意者请将你的简历发送到kevin@t-oneimage.com。