您还在为找不到心仪的会计工作烦恼么,如果您能来到老外local公司亲身体验三个月的实习工作经验,将会给您的career 添上最浓重的一笔!!!Good News! AccountantTraining & Work Experience Programs for all accounting students / graduates / migrants in Melbourne! Practicalworking experience in real accounting firm + various accounting software(including Xero, QuickBooks, HandiLedger, HandiTax, MYOB)+ Edit personal resume&Cover letter+澳洲求职工作指导+ Free Trail+ Ongoing Support+ PreferenceLetter+ CPA Mentor. 我们的地址Level 11, 356 Collins Street,Melbourne,靠近火车站和Tram交通十分方便! 培训非常实用,通过整体培训后,众多同学都找到了很好的Accounting工作,我们的培训项目特别注重培养 fresh graduats的实战经验,使用澳洲现在市面上最受欢迎的 accounting softwares.我们的培训都是由CPA Qualified的拥有多年的实战经验的会计师亲自讲解,培训系统全面,灵活多变,所有的course materials提供都是从我们内部客户的真实case study, 通过大量的练习,相信你能收获良多,我们更有针对性根据每个人的不同情况设计培训Session, 我们提供良好的工作和学习环境小班培训辅导(5-8人),我们也提供 CPA Mentor, 相信在我们的指导下,您能很快的找到心仪的会计工作。Bookkeeper Software Training 4 Weeks实战培训accounting software,specifically to booking and AR/AP Designed forstudents into accounting industry and are move into field of bookkeeping MYOB, QuickBooks,XeroSetup of Charts ofAccounts; Setup of Fixed Asset Registry & Preparation of Account ReceivablePreparation ofAccounts Payable & Prepare of Payroll Reports, Bank Reconciliation, Setupof Charts of Accounts Bank Accounts + Bank Feeds. Tracking Categories, OpeningBalance, Other Features. Assistant Accountant Training 8 Weeks CPA accountant 亲自指导junior accountanttraining courseBasic Tax Knowledge:Overview of Taxation, Understanding the concept of self- assessment and taxpayerrights. Tax Collection system.Individual taxreturn: Understanding common income items that need to be declared, tax ratedand tax offset. calculation taxable income. developing an understanding ofgeneral deductions& rental income and expenses. Learning the deductions forcapital expenditure; Goods& services Tax: how Gst works, learningcreditable acquisitions and input tax credits, how GST involved in differentindustries, how to prepare BAS statements by using case study. Tax Accountant Training 12 Weeks Module1: Individual&sole Trader Tax Returns: Understanding common income items that need to bedeclared, calculate taxable income, developing of general deductions and rentalincome and expenses. Completing rental statement schedules in the tax return;Sole Trader: Understand the business deductions, Using work papers to input taxreturn information into HanditaxModule2:Good& Services Tax: understand how GSTworks, learning creditable acquisition and input tax credits, purchase specialtopics of GST, how to prepare BusinessActivity Statements. Overview of Fringe Benefit Tax, record keeping forFBT, statutory formula method and operation cost method, calculate the FBTliability, Taxing Fringe Benefits. Payroll Tax, knowing the payroll tax ratesand thresholds and wages received and grouping of employers. Capital Gain Tax: recognizingCGT event and assets, calculate the cost base of CGT, recording the gain orLosses in the tax return. Module 3: Financial Accounts: how to useHandiledger & record the depreciation item on Handiasset within FinancialReport Software, Preparing the financial reports. Prepare AP/AR report by usingMYOB,QuickBooks and Xero. Payroll Report by MYOB, Quickbooks, BankReconciliation. Module4: Company, Trust& Partnership TaxReturns:understand of company and the imputation system, Division 7A, Carry forwardlosses, preparing the company, trust, partnership tax return by case study;comparison of the trust structures, learning the income distribution minutes, thetrust income, tax treatment of partnership.以下是我们的公司简介,我们将以热诚的服务,专业的态度带给您以最大的Accounting Training. KEAT Partners is a Melbourne based Accounting and Business Services firm.We have established a training division offering accounting and businessgraduates practical taxation and accounting training.It has been recognized that university graduatesare not fully equipped with practical taxation and accounting experience upongraduating. Due to this, graduates are finding it challenging gainingemployment in small to mid sized firms, of which many don’t have the time orresources to train graduates.KEAT Partners aims to provide graduates withfoundation knowledge to be able to walk into an accounting firm and completebasic tax returns and financial accounts.Our team has over30 years work combined experience.We understand the need for qualify training,getting the best out of new employees and assisting them in the developments oftheir careers.Complete certificate and written referenceprovided after the program联系方式:Jodi Liu: 0433194264, Michelle Wang: 0433845388Email: Jodi.liu@keatpartners.com.au; Michelle.wang@keatpartners.com.au欢迎大家咨询报名, 名额有限, 有任何问题可以跟贴或直接联系我们都可以, 会尽快回答你的问题! 祝大家一切顺利! Wish you all the best!我们的办公环境和良好的学员反馈。