Position: office admin/assistantSummary of duties and requirements:・at least 2 years relevant practicalexperience is required. Accounting, consulting or legal firm experience wouldbe preferable.・Required to assist senior staff indrafting & writing business letters, report or office memoranda usingword processing and other programs;・Able to answer telephone enquiries fromcustomers, attend to clients and assist other staff in the organisation withtheir enquiries;・Able to operate a range of officemachines such as photocopiers, computers and faxes;・Required to file information and paperdocuments;・may be required to carry out other tasks;・may undertake more complextasks and responsibilities;・able to work methodically, accuratelyand neatly; ・with good oral and written communicationskills; ・Competency in the use of IT applications;・With team work spirit.candidates meet the aboveare invited to apply.Thank you.