[tr][/tr] FRANKSTON百货店 现招聘稳定员工, 工作2-4天在圣诞节和新年期间不休假,周四周五可以工作到晚9pm有零售经验,英文好, 注重团队精神,有责任心,不怕吃苦 时薪$13/per hr 起,有兴趣者请发简历到: Hr@knick-knacks.com.au 0435954477 请您注明您的签证类别或有效期谢谢大家!~We are looking for one full time Monday to Sunday, You have to be able to work till 9pm on Thursday, Friday and weekends too.(not going for holiday during Christmas time and Chinese New Willing to learn + Good Customer Service is all we need.WITH YOUR VISA NUMBER, VISA EXPIRED DATE, WORKING TIME